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06/27/14 01:25 PM #13    

Charles Poole

The last week of September would work for me. I will be away on vacation from October 4-14, so I would not be able to attend on those days.

06/28/14 02:19 PM #14    

David Johnson

Let's shoot for the 27th of September. That is fine with me.

06/28/14 07:03 PM #15    


Bill Murphy Jr.

I'm in the Middle East in late September and unable to attend then, though I'd surely like to.  Early September works for me and then I return October 1st. Months ago, I contacted the organizers of the last reunion BUT... nothing was happening.  The guy who should be planning this is James Goodwin, our Class President.  Bob G., you were a buddy of Jimmy Goodwin, do you know how to contact him?

More thoughts... what about doing it up BIG... Say, a weekend at Atlantic City!!!

What is needed is a contact list and someone decide on a time and place.  Mr. Gardella, you want to take charge?

Just saying, if anybody's listening....



06/29/14 01:56 PM #16    

Donna Vickrey (Kadlec)

Nice to see so many of you are interested in a 50th reunion. I have the class list of addresses, emails, and phone numbers. The class also has a bank account. We can make arrangements to have it changed. I have also been contacted by others who are willing to help.

06/29/14 03:22 PM #17    


Robert Batt

I enjoyed yesterday also, seeing the old place and the memories it brought back.  Interesting how some areas looked very familiar (old auditorium, the west wing where the Junior High was, even the basement area that was the caf when we were there) and the newness of the parts I had never seen (the "new" Library, the "new" auditorium, the "new" cafeteria, the planetarium), my brother Steve and sister Claire and I walked through together and Steve remembers when these "new" areas were built while he was in HS, he was in the class of '70.  I would be willing to help set up a 50th reunion but am not sure what it entails, perhaps a few of the old committee could meet with some new folks to get an idea of what needed to be done.  The 40th and 45th reunions were awesome and I know the same group worked on both and did a great job, I also know its time for some others to lend a hand if we want it to happen.  By the way, I was under the impression it was the class secretary who was suppose to be in charge of the reunions, not the president...but I'm getting old and I might be wrong... ;-)

07/02/14 08:04 AM #18    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

I was on the committee for the last reunion and would be glad to meet with Donna to get things started. Allan set up the web site. How about it, Allan, do you want to get this thing going? I, too, was at the Raiders Remember  event and it was great fun. I ran into Madeleine Lanneville, Pat Latham, and Jimmy Velozo--maybe they would also be willing to help, Robert has agreed to take charge, maybe??


07/03/14 07:07 PM #19    

Charles Poole

Hi All!


Like I posted before, I will be out of state between October 4-14 and unabe to attend a reunion on those days. September 27th would be best for and that is when Conrad G. will be in town. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Also, just a get together at a local restaurant, maybe Magonis, for a meal and socializing would be just fine with me.


Charlie  :)

07/04/14 09:52 PM #20    


Andrew Gateriewictz

I also would like to attend a 50th Class Reunion.  Bill Murphy is correct about doing something larger than a dinner at Magoni's or White's. A 50 year celebration of how all of us effected our lives during the formative high school years. Perhaps we each could have the dais to share some "fun facts" of events we shared with other classmates at SHS?  Certainly Septemeber and early October are the best times for plane fares and New England weather. Put me on the list of helping to make phone calls or whatever help is needed. Just call 609.410.9291.       

Have a pleasant and safe summer.

Andy Gateriewictz



07/05/14 01:23 AM #21    


Robert Batt

Sounds like we've got some interest!  Great!  I too would be willing to help out but would like to sit down with some of the folks who have already done one to get an idea of what is involved.  I'll be away on vacation until July 12th (and not able to access email or phone) but will be available after that.  My home phone is 781-275-2551 if anyone wants to talk aobut it after I get back on July 12th.  Bob Batt

07/05/14 02:16 PM #22    


Andrew Gateriewictz

Hey Bob, what are you doing posting at 1:23 in the MORNING:) Get a good night's sleep!

07/06/14 12:48 PM #23    

David Johnson

Once a committee is formed we should send out Email's to find out who is interested and the preferred dates. I'm OK anytime in Sept., Oct, and Nov. The airlines are have started promotions now for fall travel and the flights are real reasonable. I am available to get involved in any capacity to assist in getting this event launched. My Email is and my cell is 941.807.3990. Thanks - Dave Johnson

07/07/14 10:39 AM #24    

Allan Trepanier

Hi All,

Good to see some interest in doing a 50th reunion. I was on the last reunion committee with Jean and over the last 5 years I've tried to keep the addresses, email and phone numbers up to date. If anyone is planing on having a get together to discuss having a 50th reunion I'll be available.

Allan Trepanier


07/09/14 08:57 AM #25    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

Waiting for Robert to return from vacation on Saturday. I am extending an invitation to meet at my home at 72 Ridgeline Drive in Westport, MA on either Monday or Wednesday night, July 14th or 16th at 7:00 p.m.  



07/09/14 08:59 AM #26    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

Call me at 508-636-8647 or on my cell at 774-264-0518.


07/12/14 07:02 PM #27    


Robert Batt

Hi.  I'm back and interested in helping and would be glad to meet with a group.  Unfortunately, we have company from out of town (daughter and husband who went on vacation with us) who are not leaving until July 16th so I won't be available until after that date.  Thank You Jean for offering to hold an initial meeting, please go ahead without me if that is most convient for most folks.  Bob Batt

07/12/14 07:27 PM #28    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

We are meeting on Monday, July 14th at my home at 72 Ridgeline Drive, Westport, MA, 7:00 p.m. So far there are 3 people coming: Allan Trepanier, Donna (Vickrey) Kadlec, and Robert Gardella. Donna is contacting a few more people and we will see how it goes. Thank you Robert Batt for your interest and volunteering to be on the committee. We will keep you posted. If anyone else sees this post and wants to come to this initial meeting give me a call at 508-636-8647.


07/13/14 01:42 PM #29    


Robert Batt

Thanks for keeping me in mind jean.  I am very interested in being part of making this happen.  Sorry I can't make it tomorrow evening, please let me know what how it goes.  Bob 

07/14/14 09:40 PM #30    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

Hello Robert Batt and Charlie Poole. Donna Vickrey Kadlec, Bob Gardella, Allan Trepanier, and Sherry Goff met at my home tonight to discuss a 50th reunion. We decided on a date, time and place which you will be getting in an email shortly. Our next meeting is at my home at 72 Ridgeline Drive in Westport on August 11. Will you consider being part of the committee?


07/15/14 12:00 AM #31    

David Johnson

Jean - I would be happy to participate in assisting the committee. Logistically I cannot make any of your meetings in person. However, I would be available to make contacts through Email and phone calls. Glad to see this get off the ground. Thanks for your efforts. David Johnson 941-807-3990

08/14/14 11:15 AM #32    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

For all those who have posted to the forum:  Our 50th Class reunion has been officially planned! An email will be sent to all who have joined the web site. In addition an invitation to the event with specific details will  be mailed on Monday, August 18. See you at Francis Farm in Rehoboth on Saturday, October 18, 2014.

09/08/14 09:46 AM #33    


Joanne Grusmark (Cornell)

I am happy to report that I will be attending SHS 50th Reunion for the CLass of 1964.

This will be my 1st high school reunion and though I may not recognize many of you......after all 50 yrs is

a long time......I hope to renew and make friendships from long ago.

My brother Jack, who also attended SHS, will be my "date" for the night, since my husband will be working.

Looking forward to seeing many of my classmates from 1964 and sharing our life stories.

                                                                                              Joanne ( Grusmark ) Cornell

10/07/14 08:34 PM #34    


Jean Souza (Ciarpella)

Response for the reunion has been great. Seventy-six people will be attending (50 classmates--26 guests). Looking forward to seeing everybody on the 18th!

10/21/14 11:56 AM #35    


Andrew Gateriewictz

A note of appreciation for the 50th Reunion Committee for creating an event in such a short period of time. I am more than pleased to have attended and seeeing a speaking to so many familiar faces.  And I meaan that.  Most everyone looks or exhibts the same features they had a couple of years ago in 1964.  Once again thank you for inviting me to be part of a celebration occasion.  Will we be holding another reuinion in 5 years?  If so, I suggest we start working on a program soon.  Perhaps an interactive trivia game like naming the groups that sang the 60's sonds we danced to at The Knights of Columbus Hall/CYO with Father Mac or naming the teachers that taught subjects at SHS.

Have a pleasant, happy and safe Holiday Season.  If you need a place to stay in Florida call me at 609.410.9291 or email at




11/21/14 05:24 PM #36    


Robert Batt


Just wanted to add my appreciation for the great time I had at the 50th reunion last month.  It was fun working with the team that put it together and connecting with so many of my classmates and seeing how much we have and have not changed in fifty years.  Great to talk to several from my old neighborhood who I knew outside of school and grew up with.  Somerset is a great town to grow up in, I consider myself very lucky to have lived there for my first twenty years and that I am able to come back as often as I do and check out some of my old haunts.  I hope we all stay healthy and happy as we get up there in years.  I hope too that we do put together a 55th reunion and are all back in five years to enoy it again.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Bob Batt


05/07/24 04:29 PM #37    

David Keilty (Keilty)



Thank you

David Keilty

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